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Nadgradna ili ovjesna direktna svjetiljka izrađena iz aluminijskog profila presjeka 45 x 70mm, plastificirana epoxy prahom u jednu od boja: crna, siva, bijela, rusty iron ili antracit siva, predviđena za spajanje u kontinuiranu liniju u kombinaciji s Bolin A i Bolin 3PH. Sadrži satinirani ili mikroprizmatični difuzor. Izvor svjetla LED samohladivi čvrsti linearni moduli visoke efikasnosti C. LED izvor svjetla klasifikacije MacAdam3, CRI>80, Fotobiološka grupa rizika RG0.

SystemSystem 3PHSystem A
do 109lm/W (MPR)
ŽIVOTNI VIJEKL90B10 60000h 35°C
UGR<19 (MPR)

Low Power CRI80

Bolin System-S M1 LP

S – Početna





Bolin Sistem-S M1 572 LED 10W LP 830572 x 45 x 70mm783 lm356.1-231AM-572/S-10
Bolin Sistem-S M1 852 LED 14W LP 830852 x 45 x 70mm1174 lm356.1-231AM-852/S-14
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1132 LED 18W LP 8301132 x 45 x 70mm1566 lm356.1-231AM-1132/S-18
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1412 LED 22W LP 8301412 x 45 x 70mm1957 lm356.1-231AM-1412/S-22
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1692 LED 27W LP 8301692 x 45 x 70mm2349 lm356.1-231AM-1692/S-27
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1977 LED 31W LP 8301977 x 45 x 70mm2740 lm356.1-231AM-1977/S-31
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2257 LED 35W LP 8302257 x 45 x 70mm3132 lm356.1-231AM-2257/S-35
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2537 LED 39W LP 8302537 x 45 x 70mm3523 lm356.1-231AM-2537/S-39
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2816 LED 43W LP 8302816 x 45 x 70mm3914 lm356.1-231AM-2816/S-43
Bolin Sistem-S M1 572 LED 10W LP 840572 x 45 x 70mm872 lm356.1-241AM-572/S-10
Bolin Sistem-S M1 852 LED 14W LP 840852 x 45 x 70mm1309 lm356.1-241AM-852/S-14
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1132 LED 18W LP 8401132 x 45 x 70mm1745 lm356.1-241AM-1132/S-18
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1412 LED 22W LP 8401412 x 45 x 70mm2181 lm356.1-241AM-1412/S-22
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1692 LED 27W LP 8401692 x 45 x 70mm2617 lm356.1-241AM-1692/S-27
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1977 LED 31W LP 8401977 x 45 x 70mm3054 lm356.1-241AM-1977/S-31
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2257 LED 35W LP 8402257 x 45 x 70mm3490 lm356.1-241AM-2257/S-35
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2537 LED 39W LP 8402537 x 45 x 70mm3926 lm356.1-241AM-2537/S-39
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2816 LED 43W LP 8402816 x 45 x 70mm4362 lm356.1-241AM-2816/S-43

Bolin System-P M1 LP

P – Prolazna





Bolin Sistem-P M1 572 LED 10W LP 830570 x 45 x 70mm783 lm356.1-231AM-570/P-10
Bolin Sistem-P M1 852 LED 14W LP 830850 x 45 x 70mm1174 lm356.1-231AM-850/P-14
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1132 LED 18W LP 8301130 x 45 x 70mm1566 lm356.1-231AM-1130/P-18
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1412 LED 22W LP 8301410 x 45 x 70mm1957 lm356.1-231AM-1410/P-22
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1692 LED 27W LP 8301690 x 45 x 70mm2349 lm356.1-231AM-1690/P-27
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1977 LED 31W LP 8301975 x 45 x 70mm2740 lm356.1-231AM-1975/P-31
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2257 LED 35W LP 8302255 x 45 x 70mm3132 lm356.1-231AM-2255/P-35
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2537 LED 39W LP 8302535 x 45 x 70mm3523 lm356.1-231AM-2535/P-39
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2816 LED 43W LP 8302814 x 45 x 70mm3914 lm356.1-231AM-2814/P-43
Bolin Sistem-P M1 572 LED 10W LP 840570 x 45 x 70mm872 lm356.1-241AM-570/P-10
Bolin Sistem-P M1 852 LED 14W LP 840850 x 45 x 70mm1309 lm356.1-241AM-850/P-14
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1132 LED 18W LP 8401130 x 45 x 70mm1745 lm356.1-241AM-1130/P-18
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1412 LED 22W LP 8401410 x 45 x 70mm2181 lm356.1-241AM-1410/P-22
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1692 LED 27W LP 8401690 x 45 x 70mm2617 lm356.1-241AM-1690/P-27
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1977 LED 31W LP 8401975 x 45 x 70mm3054 lm356.1-241AM-1975/P-31
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2257 LED 35W LP 8402255 x 45 x 70mm3490 lm356.1-241AM-2255/P-35
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2537 LED 39W LP 8402535 x 45 x 70mm3926 lm356.1-241AM-2535/P-39
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2816 LED 43W LP 8402814 x 45 x 70mm4362 lm356.1-241AM-2814/P-43

Bolin System-K M1 LP

K – Kraj





Bolin Sistem-K M1 572 LED 10W LP 830572 x 45 x 70mm783 lm356.1-231AM-572/K-10
Bolin Sistem-K M1 852 LED 14W LP 830852 x 45 x 70mm1174 lm356.1-231AM-852/K-14
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1132 LED 18W LP 8301132 x 45 x 70mm1566 lm356.1-231AM-1132/K-18
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1412 LED 22W LP 8301412 x 45 x 70mm1957 lm356.1-231AM-1412/K-22
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1692 LED 27W LP 8301692 x 45 x 70mm2349 lm356.1-231AM-1692/K-27
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1977 LED 31W LP 8301977 x 45 x 70mm2740 lm356.1-231AM-1977/K-31
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2257 LED 35W LP 8302257 x 45 x 70mm3132 lm356.1-231AM-2257/K-35
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2537 LED 39W LP 8302537 x 45 x 70mm3523 lm356.1-231AM-2537/K-39
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2816 LED 43W LP 8302816 x 45 x 70mm3914 lm356.1-231AM-2816/K-43
Bolin Sistem-K M1 572 LED 10W LP 840572 x 45 x 70mm872 lm356.1-241AM-572/K-10
Bolin Sistem-K M1 852 LED 14W LP 840852 x 45 x 70mm1309 lm356.1-241AM-852/K-14
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1132 LED 18W LP 8401132 x 45 x 70mm1745 lm356.1-241AM-1132/K-18
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1412 LED 22W LP 8401412 x 45 x 70mm2181 lm356.1-241AM-1412/K-22
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1692 LED 27W LP 8401692 x 45 x 70mm2617 lm356.1-241AM-1692/K-27
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1977 LED 31W LP 8401977 x 45 x 70mm3054 lm356.1-241AM-1977/K-31
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2257 LED 35W LP 8402257 x 45 x 70mm3490 lm356.1-241AM-2257/K-35
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2537 LED 39W LP 8402537 x 45 x 70mm3926 lm356.1-241AM-2537/K-39
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2816 LED 43W LP 8402816 x 45 x 70mm4362 lm356.1-241AM-2816/K-43

High Power CRI80

Bolin System-S M1 HP

S – Početna





Bolin Sistem-S M1 572 LED 18W HP 830572 x 45 x 70mm1567 lm356.1-231AM-572/S-18
Bolin Sistem-S M1 852 LED 26W HP 830852 x 45 x 70mm2350 lm356.1-231AM-852/S-26
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1132 LED 35W HP 8301132 x 45 x 70mm3134 lm356.1-231AM-1132/S-35
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1412 LED 43W HP 8301412 x 45 x 70mm3917 lm356.1-231AM-1412/S-43
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1692 LED 51W HP 8301692 x 45 x 70mm4701 lm356.1-231AM-1692/S-51
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1977 LED 59W HP 8301977 x 45 x 70mm5484 lm356.1-231AM-1977/S-59
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2257 LED 68W HP 8302257 x 45 x 70mm6268 lm356.1-231AM-2257/S-68
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2537 LED 76W HP 8302537 x 45 x 70mm7051 lm356.1-231AM-2537/S-76
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2816 LED 85W HP 8302816 x 45 x 70mm7834 lm356.1-231AM-2816/S-85
Bolin Sistem-S M1 572 LED 18W HP 840572 x 45 x 70mm1745 lm356.1-241AM-572/S-18
Bolin Sistem-S M1 852 LED 26W HP 840852 x 45 x 70mm2617 lm356.1-241AM-852/S-26
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1132 LED 35W HP 8401132 x 45 x 70mm3490 lm356.1-241AM-1132/S-35
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1412 LED 43W HP 8401412 x 45 x 70mm4362 lm356.1-241AM-1412/S-43
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1692 LED 51W HP 8401692 x 45 x 70mm5235 lm356.1-241AM-1692/S-51
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1977 LED 59W HP 8401977 x 45 x 70mm6107 lm356.1-241AM-1977/S-59
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2257 LED 68W HP 8402257 x 45 x 70mm6980 lm356.1-241AM-2257/S-68
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2537 LED 76W HP 8402537 x 45 x 70mm7852 lm356.1-241AM-2537/S-76
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2816 LED 85W HP 8402816 x 45 x 70mm8725 lm356.1-241AM-2816/S-85

Bolin System-P M1 HP

P – Prolazna





Bolin Sistem-P M1 570 LED 18W HP 830570 x 45 x 70mm1567 lm356.1-231AM-570/P-18
Bolin Sistem-P M1 850 LED 26W HP 830850 x 45 x 70mm2350 lm356.1-231AM-850/P-26
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1130 LED 35W HP 8301130 x 45 x 70mm3134 lm356.1-231AM-1130/P-35
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1410 LED 43W HP 8301410 x 45 x 70mm3917 lm356.1-231AM-1410/P-43
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1690 LED 51W HP 8301690 x 45 x 70mm4701 lm356.1-231AM-1690/P-51
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1975 LED 59W HP 8301975 x 45 x 70mm5484 lm356.1-231AM-1975/P-59
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2255 LED 68W HP 8302255 x 45 x 70mm6268 lm356.1-231AM-2255/P-68
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2535 LED 76W HP 8302535 x 45 x 70mm7051 lm356.1-231AM-2535/P-76
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2814 LED 85W HP 8302814 x 45 x 70mm7834 lm356.1-231AM-2814/P-85
Bolin Sistem-P M1 570 LED 18W HP 840570 x 45 x 70mm1745 lm356.1-241AM-570/P-18
Bolin Sistem-P M1 850 LED 26W HP 840850 x 45 x 70mm2617 lm356.1-241AM-850/P-26
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1130 LED 35W HP 8401130 x 45 x 70mm3490 lm356.1-241AM-1130/P-35
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1410 LED 43W HP 8401410 x 45 x 70mm4362 lm356.1-241AM-1410/P-43
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1690 LED 51W HP 8401690 x 45 x 70mm5235 lm356.1-241AM-1690/P-51
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1975 LED 59W HP 8401975 x 45 x 70mm6107 lm356.1-241AM-1975/P-59
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2255 LED 68W HP 8402255 x 45 x 70mm6980 lm356.1-241AM-2255/P-68
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2535 LED 76W HP 8402535 x 45 x 70mm7852 lm356.1-241AM-2535/P-76
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2814 LED 85W HP 8402814 x 45 x 70mm8725 lm356.1-241AM-2814/P-85

Bolin System-K M1 HP

K – Kraj





Bolin Sistem-K M1 572 LED 18W HP 830572 x 45 x 70mm1567 lm356.1-231AM-572/K-18
Bolin Sistem-K M1 852 LED 26W HP 830852 x 45 x 70mm2350 lm356.1-231AM-852/K-26
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1132 LED 35W HP 8301132 x 45 x 70mm3134 lm356.1-231AM-1132/K-35
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1412 LED 43W HP 8301412 x 45 x 70mm3917 lm356.1-231AM-1412/K-43
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1692 LED 51W HP 8301692 x 45 x 70mm4701 lm356.1-231AM-1692/K-51
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1977 LED 59W HP 8301977 x 45 x 70mm5484 lm356.1-231AM-1977/K-59
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2257 LED 68W HP 8302257 x 45 x 70mm6268 lm356.1-231AM-2257/K-68
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2537 LED 76W HP 8302537 x 45 x 70mm7051 lm356.1-231AM-2537/K-76
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2816 LED 85W HP 8302816 x 45 x 70mm7834 lm356.1-231AM-2816/K-85
Bolin Sistem-K M1 572 LED 18W HP 840572 x 45 x 70mm1745 lm356.1-241AM-572/K-18
Bolin Sistem-K M1 852 LED 26W HP 840852 x 45 x 70mm2617 lm356.1-241AM-852/K-26
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1132 LED 35W HP 8401132 x 45 x 70mm3490 lm356.1-241AM-1132/K-35
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1412 LED 43W HP 8401412 x 45 x 70mm4362 lm356.1-241AM-1412/K-43
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1692 LED 51W HP 8401692 x 45 x 70mm5235 lm356.1-241AM-1692/K-51
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1977 LED 59W HP 8401977 x 45 x 70mm6107 lm356.1-241AM-1977/K-59
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2257 LED 68W HP 8402257 x 45 x 70mm6980 lm356.1-241AM-2257/K-68
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2537 LED 76W HP 8402537 x 45 x 70mm7852 lm356.1-241AM-2537/K-76
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2816 LED 85W HP 8402816 x 45 x 70mm8725 lm356.1-241AM-2816/K-85

Low Power CRI80

Bolin System-S MPR1 LP

S – Početna





Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 572 LED 10W LP 830572 x 45 x 70mm825 lm356.1-231AP-572/S-10
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 852 LED 14W LP 830852 x 45 x 70mm1237 lm356.1-231AP-852/S-14
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1132 LED 18W LP 8301132 x 45 x 70mm1650 lm356.1-231AP-1132/S-18
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1412 LED 22W LP 8301412 x 45 x 70mm2062 lm356.1-231AP-1412/S-22
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1692 LED 27W LP 8301692 x 45 x 70mm2474 lm356.1-231AP-1692/S-27
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1977 LED 31W LP 8301977 x 45 x 70mm2887 lm356.1-231AP-1977/S-31
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2257 LED 35W LP 8302257 x 45 x 70mm3299 lm356.1-231AP-2257/S-35
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2537 LED 39W LP 8302537 x 45 x 70mm3712 lm356.1-231AP-2537/S-39
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2816 LED 43W LP 8302816 x 45 x 70mm4124 lm356.1-231AP-2816/S-43
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 572 LED 10W LP 840572 x 45 x 70mm919 lm356.1-241AP-572/S-10
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 852 LED 14W LP 840852 x 45 x 70mm1379 lm356.1-241AP-852/S-14
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1132 LED 18W LP 8401132 x 45 x 70mm1838 lm356.1-241AP-1132/S-18
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1412 LED 22W LP 8401412 x 45 x 70mm2298 lm356.1-241AP-1412/S-22
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1692 LED 27W LP 8401692 x 45 x 70mm2758 lm356.1-241AP-1692/S-27
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1977 LED 31W LP 8401977 x 45 x 70mm3217 lm356.1-241AP-1977/S-31
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2257 LED 35W LP 8402257 x 45 x 70mm3677 lm356.1-241AP-2257/S-35
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2537 LED 39W LP 8402537 x 45 x 70mm4136 lm356.1-241AP-2537/S-39
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2816 LED 43W LP 8402816 x 45 x 70mm4596 lm356.1-241AP-2816/S-43

Bolin System-P MPR1 LP

P – Prolazna





Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 570 LED 10W LP 830570 x 45 x 70mm825 lm356.1-231AP-570/P-10
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 850 LED 14W LP 830850 x 45 x 70mm1237 lm356.1-231AP-850/P-14
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1130 LED 18W LP 8301130 x 45 x 70mm1650 lm356.1-231AP-1130/P-18
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1410 LED 22W LP 8301410 x 45 x 70mm2062 lm356.1-231AP-1410/P-22
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1690 LED 27W LP 8301690 x 45 x 70mm2474 lm356.1-231AP-1690/P-27
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1975 LED 31W LP 8301975 x 45 x 70mm2887 lm356.1-231AP-1975/P-31
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2255 LED 35W LP 8302255 x 45 x 70mm3299 lm356.1-231AP-2255/P-35
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2535 LED 39W LP 8302535 x 45 x 70mm3712 lm356.1-231AP-2535/P-39
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2814 LED 43W LP 8302814 x 45 x 70mm4124 lm356.1-231AP-2814/P-43
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 570 LED 10W LP 840570 x 45 x 70mm919 lm356.1-241AP-570/P-10
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 850 LED 14W LP 840850 x 45 x 70mm1379 lm356.1-241AP-850/P-14
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1130 LED 18W LP 8401130 x 45 x 70mm1838 lm356.1-241AP-1130/P-18
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1410 LED 22W LP 8401410 x 45 x 70mm2298 lm356.1-241AP-1410/P-22
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1690 LED 27W LP 8401690 x 45 x 70mm2758 lm356.1-241AP-1690/P-27
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1975 LED 31W LP 8401975 x 45 x 70mm3217 lm356.1-241AP-1975/P-31
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2255 LED 35W LP 8402255 x 45 x 70mm3677 lm356.1-241AP-2255/P-35
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2535 LED 39W LP 8402535 x 45 x 70mm4136 lm356.1-241AP-2535/P-39
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2814 LED 43W LP 8402814 x 45 x 70mm4596 lm356.1-241AP-2814/P-43

Bolin System-K MPR1 LP

K – Kraj





Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 572 LED 10W LP 830572 x 45 x 70mm825 lm356.1-231AP-572/K-10
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 852 LED 14W LP 830852 x 45 x 70mm1237 lm356.1-231AP-852/K-14
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1132 LED 18W LP 8301132 x 45 x 70mm1650 lm356.1-231AP-1132/K-18
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1412 LED 22W LP 8301412 x 45 x 70mm2062 lm356.1-231AP-1412/K-22
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1692 LED 27W LP 8301692 x 45 x 70mm2474 lm356.1-231AP-1692/K-27
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1977 LED 31W LP 8301977 x 45 x 70mm2887 lm356.1-231AP-1977/K-31
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2257 LED 35W LP 8302257 x 45 x 70mm3299 lm356.1-231AP-2257/K-35
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2537 LED 39W LP 8302537 x 45 x 70mm3712 lm356.1-231AP-2537/K-39
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2816 LED 43W LP 8302816 x 45 x 70mm4124 lm356.1-231AP-2816/K-43
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 572 LED 10W LP 840572 x 45 x 70mm919 lm356.1-241AP-572/K-10
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 852 LED 14W LP 840852 x 45 x 70mm1379 lm356.1-241AP-852/K-14
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1132 LED 18W LP 8401132 x 45 x 70mm1838 lm356.1-241AP-1132/K-18
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1412 LED 22W LP 8401412 x 45 x 70mm2298 lm356.1-241AP-1412/K-22
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1692 LED 27W LP 8401692 x 45 x 70mm2758 lm356.1-241AP-1692/K-27
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1977 LED 31W LP 8401977 x 45 x 70mm3217 lm356.1-241AP-1977/K-31
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2257 LED 35W LP 8402257 x 45 x 70mm3677 lm356.1-241AP-2257/K-35
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2537 LED 39W LP 8402537 x 45 x 70mm4136 lm356.1-241AP-2537/K-39
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2816 LED 43W LP 8402816 x 45 x 70mm4596 lm356.1-241AP-2816/K-43

High Power CRI80

Bolin System-S MPR1 HP

S – Početna





Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 572 LED 18W HP 830572 x 45 x 70mm1651 lm356.1-231AP-572/S-18
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 852 LED 26W HP 830852 x 45 x 70mm2476 lm356.1-231AP-852/S-26
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1132 LED 35W HP 8301132 x 45 x 70mm3302 lm356.1-231AP-1132/S-35
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1412 LED 43W HP 8301412 x 45 x 70mm4127 lm356.1-231AP-1412/S-43
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1692 LED 51W HP 8301692 x 45 x 70mm4952 lm356.1-231AP-1692/S-51
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1977 LED 59W HP 8301977 x 45 x 70mm5778 lm356.1-231AP-1977/S-59
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2257 LED 68W HP 8302257 x 45 x 70mm6603 lm356.1-231AP-2257/S-68
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2537 LED 76W HP 8302537 x 45 x 70mm7429 lm356.1-231AP-2537/S-76
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2816 LED 85W HP 8302816 x 45 x 70mm8254 lm356.1-231AP-2816/S-85
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 572 LED 18W HP 840572 x 45 x 70mm1838 lm356.1-241AP-572/S-18
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 852 LED 26W HP 840852 x 45 x 70mm2758 lm356.1-241AP-852/S-26
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1132 LED 35W HP 8401132 x 45 x 70mm3677 lm356.1-241AP-1132/S-35
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1412 LED 43W HP 8401412 x 45 x 70mm4596 lm356.1-241AP-1412/S-43
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1692 LED 51W HP 8401692 x 45 x 70mm5515 lm356.1-241AP-1692/S-51
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1977 LED 59W HP 8401977 x 45 x 70mm6435 lm356.1-241AP-1977/S-59
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2257 LED 68W HP 8402257 x 45 x 70mm7354 lm356.1-241AP-2257/S-68
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2537 LED 76W HP 8402537 x 45 x 70mm8273 lm356.1-241AP-2537/S-76
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2816 LED 85W HP 8402816 x 45 x 70mm9192 lm356.1-241AP-2816/S-85

Bolin System-P MPR1 HP

P – Prolazna





Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 570 LED 18W HP 830570 x 45 x 70mm1651 lm356.1-231AP-570/P-18
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 850 LED 26W HP 830850 x 45 x 70mm2476 lm356.1-231AP-850/P-26
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1130 LED 35W HP 8301130 x 45 x 70mm3302 lm356.1-231AP-1130/P-35
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1410 LED 43W HP 8301410 x 45 x 70mm4127 lm356.1-231AP-1410/P-43
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1690 LED 51W HP 8301690 x 45 x 70mm4952 lm356.1-231AP-1690/P-51
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1975 LED 59W HP 8301975 x 45 x 70mm5778 lm356.1-231AP-1975/P-59
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2255 LED 68W HP 8302255 x 45 x 70mm6603 lm356.1-231AP-2255/P-68
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2535 LED 76W HP 8302535 x 45 x 70mm7429 lm356.1-231AP-2535/P-76
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2814 LED 85W HP 8302814 x 45 x 70mm8254 lm356.1-231AP-2814/P-85
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 570 LED 18W HP 840570 x 45 x 70mm1838 lm356.1-241AP-570/P-18
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 850 LED 26W HP 840850 x 45 x 70mm2758 lm356.1-241AP-850/P-26
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1130 LED 35W HP 8401130 x 45 x 70mm3677 lm356.1-241AP-1130/P-35
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1410 LED 43W HP 8401410 x 45 x 70mm4596 lm356.1-241AP-1410/P-43
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1690 LED 51W HP 8401690 x 45 x 70mm5515 lm356.1-241AP-1690/P-51
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1975 LED 59W HP 8401975 x 45 x 70mm6435 lm356.1-241AP-1975/P-59
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2255 LED 68W HP 8402255 x 45 x 70mm7354 lm356.1-241AP-2255/P-68
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2535 LED 76W HP 8402535 x 45 x 70mm8273 lm356.1-241AP-2535/P-76
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2814 LED 85W HP 8402814 x 45 x 70mm9192 lm356.1-241AP-2814/P-85

Bolin System-K MPR1 HP

K – Kraj





Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 572 LED 18W HP 830572 x 45 x 70mm1651 lm356.1-231AP-572/K-18
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 852 LED 26W HP 830852 x 45 x 70mm2476 lm356.1-231AP-852/K-26
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1132 LED 35W HP 8301132 x 45 x 70mm3302 lm356.1-231AP-1132/K-35
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1412 LED 43W HP 8301412 x 45 x 70mm4127 lm356.1-231AP-1412/K-43
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1692 LED 51W HP 8301692 x 45 x 70mm4952 lm356.1-231AP-1692/K-51
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1977 LED 59W HP 8301977 x 45 x 70mm5778 lm356.1-231AP-1977/K-59
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2257 LED 68W HP 8302257 x 45 x 70mm6603 lm356.1-231AP-2257/K-68
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2537 LED 76W HP 8302537 x 45 x 70mm7429 lm356.1-231AP-2537/K-76
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2816 LED 85W HP 8302816 x 45 x 70mm8254 lm356.1-231AP-2816/K-85
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 572 LED 18W HP 840572 x 45 x 70mm1838 lm356.1-241AP-572/K-18
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 852 LED 26W HP 840852 x 45 x 70mm2758 lm356.1-241AP-852/K-26
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1132 LED 35W HP 8401132 x 45 x 70mm3677 lm356.1-241AP-1132/K-35
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1412 LED 43W HP 8401412 x 45 x 70mm4596 lm356.1-241AP-1412/K-43
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1692 LED 51W HP 8401692 x 45 x 70mm5515 lm356.1-241AP-1692/K-51
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1977 LED 59W HP 8401977 x 45 x 70mm6435 lm356.1-241AP-1977/K-59
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2257 LED 68W HP 8402257 x 45 x 70mm7354 lm356.1-241AP-2257/K-68
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2537 LED 76W HP 8402537 x 45 x 70mm8273 lm356.1-241AP-2537/K-76
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2816 LED 85W HP 8402816 x 45 x 70mm9192 lm356.1-241AP-2816/K-85

Low Power CRI90

Bolin System-S M1 LP

S – Početna





Bolin Sistem-S M1 572 LED 10W LP 930572 x 45 x 70mm738 lm356.1-231AM-572/S-10-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 852 LED 14W LP 930852 x 45 x 70mm1107 lm356.1-231AM-852/S-14-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1132 LED 18W LP 9301132 x 45 x 70mm1476 lm356.1-231AM-1132/S-18-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1412 LED 22W LP 9301412 x 45 x 70mm1845 lm356.1-231AM-1412/S-22-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1692 LED 26W LP 9301692 x 45 x 70mm2214 lm356.1-231AM-1692/S-26-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1977 LED 31W LP 9301977 x 45 x 70mm2583 lm356.1-231AM-1977/S-31-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2257 LED 35W LP 9302257 x 45 x 70mm2952 lm356.1-231AM-2257/S-35-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2537 LED 39W LP 9302537 x 45 x 70mm3321 lm356.1-231AM-2537/S-39-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2816 LED 43W LP 9302816 x 45 x 70mm3690 lm356.1-231AM-2816/S-43-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 572 LED 10W LP 940572 x 45 x 70mm783 lm356.1-241AM-572/S-10-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 852 LED 14W LP 940852 x 45 x 70mm1174 lm356.1-241AM-852/S-14-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1132 LED 18W LP 9401132 x 45 x 70mm1566 lm356.1-241AM-1132/S-18-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1412 LED 22W LP 9401412 x 45 x 70mm1957 lm356.1-241AM-1412/S-22-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1692 LED 26W LP 9401692 x 45 x 70mm2349 lm356.1-241AM-1692/S-26-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1977 LED 31W LP 9401977 x 45 x 70mm2740 lm356.1-241AM-1977/S-31-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2257 LED 35W LP 9402257 x 45 x 70mm3132 lm356.1-241AM-2257/S-35-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2537 LED 39W LP 9402537 x 45 x 70mm3523 lm356.1-241AM-2537/S-39-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2816 LED 43W LP 9402816 x 45 x 70mm3914 lm356.1-241AM-2816/S-43-9

Bolin System-P M1 LP

P – Prolazna





Bolin Sistem-P M1 570 LED 10W LP 930570 x 45 x 70mm738 lm356.1-231AM-570/P-10-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 850 LED 14W LP 930850 x 45 x 70mm1107 lm356.1-231AM-850/P-14-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1130 LED 18W LP 9301130 x 45 x 70mm1476 lm356.1-231AM-1130/P-18-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1410 LED 22W LP 9301410 x 45 x 70mm1845 lm356.1-231AM-1410/P-22-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1690 LED 26W LP 9301690 x 45 x 70mm2214 lm356.1-231AM-1690/P-26-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1975 LED 31W LP 9301975 x 45 x 70mm2583 lm356.1-231AM-1975/P-31-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2255 LED 35W LP 9302255 x 45 x 70mm2952 lm356.1-231AM-2255/P-35-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2535 LED 39W LP 9302535 x 45 x 70mm3321 lm356.1-231AM-2535/P-39-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2814 LED 43W LP 9302814 x 45 x 70mm3690 lm356.1-231AM-2814/P-43-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 570 LED 10W LP 940570 x 45 x 70mm783 lm356.1-241AM-570/P-10-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 850 LED 14W LP 940850 x 45 x 70mm1174 lm356.1-241AM-850/P-14-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1130 LED 18W LP 9401130 x 45 x 70mm1566 lm356.1-241AM-1130/P-18-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1410 LED 22W LP 9401410 x 45 x 70mm1957 lm356.1-241AM-1410/P-22-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1690 LED 26W LP 9401690 x 45 x 70mm2349 lm356.1-241AM-1690/P-26-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1975 LED 31W LP 9401975 x 45 x 70mm2740 lm356.1-241AM-1975/P-31-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2255 LED 35W LP 9402255 x 45 x 70mm3132 lm356.1-241AM-2255/P-35-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2535 LED 39W LP 9402535 x 45 x 70mm3523 lm356.1-241AM-2535/P-39-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2814 LED 43W LP 9402814 x 45 x 70mm3914 lm356.1-241AM-2814/P-43-9

Bolin System-K M1 LP

K – Kraj





Bolin Sistem-K M1 572 LED 10W LP 930572 x 45 x 70mm738 lm356.1-231AM-572/K-10-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 852 LED 14W LP 930852 x 45 x 70mm1107 lm356.1-231AM-852/K-14-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1132 LED 18W LP 9301132 x 45 x 70mm1476 lm356.1-231AM-1132/K-18-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1412 LED 22W LP 9301412 x 45 x 70mm1845 lm356.1-231AM-1412/K-22-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1692 LED 26W LP 9301692 x 45 x 70mm2214 lm356.1-231AM-1692/K-26-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1977 LED 31W LP 9301977 x 45 x 70mm2583 lm356.1-231AM-1977/K-31-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2257 LED 35W LP 9302257 x 45 x 70mm2952 lm356.1-231AM-2257/K-35-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2537 LED 39W LP 9302537 x 45 x 70mm3321 lm356.1-231AM-2537/K-39-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2816 LED 43W LP 9302816 x 45 x 70mm3690 lm356.1-231AM-2816/K-43-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 572 LED 10W LP 940572 x 45 x 70mm783 lm356.1-241AM-572/K-10-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 852 LED 14W LP 940852 x 45 x 70mm1174 lm356.1-241AM-852/K-14-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1132 LED 18W LP 9401132 x 45 x 70mm1566 lm356.1-241AM-1132/K-18-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1412 LED 22W LP 9401412 x 45 x 70mm1957 lm356.1-241AM-1412/K-22-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1692 LED 26W LP 9401692 x 45 x 70mm2349 lm356.1-241AM-1692/K-26-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1977 LED 31W LP 9401977 x 45 x 70mm2740 lm356.1-241AM-1977/K-31-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2257 LED 35W LP 9402257 x 45 x 70mm3132 lm356.1-241AM-2257/K-35-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2537 LED 39W LP 9402537 x 45 x 70mm3523 lm356.1-241AM-2537/K-39-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2816 LED 43W LP 9402816 x 45 x 70mm3914 lm356.1-241AM-2816/K-43-9

High Power CRI90

Bolin System-S M1 LP

S – Početna





Bolin Sistem-S M1 572 LED 18W HP 930572 x 45 x 70mm1476 lm356.1-231AM-572/S-18-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 852 LED 26W HP 930852 x 45 x 70mm2214 lm356.1-231AM-852/S-26-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1132 LED 34W HP 9301132 x 45 x 70mm2952 lm356.1-231AM-1132/S-34-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1412 LED 43W HP 9301412 x 45 x 70mm3690 lm356.1-231AM-1412/S-43-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1692 LED 51W HP 9301692 x 45 x 70mm4428 lm356.1-231AM-1692/S-51-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1977 LED 60W HP 9301977 x 45 x 70mm5167 lm356.1-231AM-1977/S-60-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2257 LED 68W HP 9302257 x 45 x 70mm5905 lm356.1-231AM-2257/S-68-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2537 LED 76W HP 9302537 x 45 x 70mm6643 lm356.1-231AM-2537/S-76-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2816 LED 84W HP 9302816 x 45 x 70mm7381 lm356.1-231AM-2816/S-84-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 572 LED 18W HP 940572 x 45 x 70mm1566 lm356.1-241AM-572/S-18-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 852 LED 26W HP 940852 x 45 x 70mm2349 lm356.1-241AM-852/S-26-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1132 LED 34W HP 9401132 x 45 x 70mm3132 lm356.1-241AM-1132/S-34-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1412 LED 43W HP 9401412 x 45 x 70mm3914 lm356.1-241AM-1412/S-43-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1692 LED 51W HP 9401692 x 45 x 70mm4697 lm356.1-241AM-1692/S-51-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 1977 LED 60W HP 9401977 x 45 x 70mm5480 lm356.1-241AM-1977/S-60-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2257 LED 68W HP 9402257 x 45 x 70mm6263 lm356.1-241AM-2257/S-68-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2537 LED 76W HP 9402537 x 45 x 70mm7046 lm356.1-241AM-2537/S-76-9
Bolin Sistem-S M1 2816 LED 84W HP 9402816 x 45 x 70mm7829 lm356.1-241AM-2816/S-84-9

Bolin System-P M1 HP

P – Prolazna





Bolin Sistem-P M1 570 LED 18W HP 930570 x 45 x 70mm1476 lm356.1-231AM-570/P-18-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 850 LED 26W HP 930850 x 45 x 70mm2214 lm356.1-231AM-850/P-26-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1130 LED 34W HP 9301130 x 45 x 70mm2952 lm356.1-231AM-1130/P-34-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1410 LED 43W HP 9301410 x 45 x 70mm3690 lm356.1-231AM-1410/P-43-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1690 LED 51W HP 9301690 x 45 x 70mm4428 lm356.1-231AM-1690/P-51-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1975 LED 60W HP 9301975 x 45 x 70mm5167 lm356.1-231AM-1975/P-60-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2255 LED 68W HP 9302255 x 45 x 70mm5905 lm356.1-231AM-2255/P-68-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2535 LED 76W HP 9302535 x 45 x 70mm6643 lm356.1-231AM-2535/P-76-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2814 LED 84W HP 9302814 x 45 x 70mm7381 lm356.1-231AM-2814/P-84-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 570 LED 18W HP 940570 x 45 x 70mm1566 lm356.1-241AM-570/P-18-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 850 LED 26W HP 940850 x 45 x 70mm2349 lm356.1-241AM-850/P-26-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1130 LED 34W HP 9401130 x 45 x 70mm3132 lm356.1-241AM-1130/P-34-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1410 LED 43W HP 9401410 x 45 x 70mm3914 lm356.1-241AM-1410/P-43-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1690 LED 51W HP 9401690 x 45 x 70mm4697 lm356.1-241AM-1690/P-51-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 1975 LED 60W HP 9401975 x 45 x 70mm5480 lm356.1-241AM-1975/P-60-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2255 LED 68W HP 9402255 x 45 x 70mm6263 lm356.1-241AM-2255/P-68-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2535 LED 76W HP 9402535 x 45 x 70mm7046 lm356.1-241AM-2535/P-76-9
Bolin Sistem-P M1 2814 LED 84W HP 9402814 x 45 x 70mm7829 lm356.1-241AM-2814/P-84-9

Bolin System-K M1 HP

K – Kraj





Bolin Sistem-K M1 572 LED 18W HP 930572 x 45 x 70mm1476 lm356.1-231AM-572/K-18-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 852 LED 26W HP 930852 x 45 x 70mm2214 lm356.1-231AM-852/K-26-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1132 LED 34W HP 9301132 x 45 x 70mm2952 lm356.1-231AM-1132/K-34-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1412 LED 43W HP 9301412 x 45 x 70mm3690 lm356.1-231AM-1412/K-43-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1692 LED 51W HP 9301692 x 45 x 70mm4428 lm356.1-231AM-1692/K-51-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1977 LED 60W HP 9301977 x 45 x 70mm5167 lm356.1-231AM-1977/K-60-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2257 LED 68W HP 9302257 x 45 x 70mm5905 lm356.1-231AM-2257/K-68-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2537 LED 76W HP 9302537 x 45 x 70mm6643 lm356.1-231AM-2537/K-76-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2816 LED 84W HP 9302816 x 45 x 70mm7381 lm356.1-231AM-2816/K-84-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 572 LED 18W HP 940572 x 45 x 70mm1566 lm356.1-241AM-572/K-18-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 852 LED 26W HP 940852 x 45 x 70mm2349 lm356.1-241AM-852/K-26-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1132 LED 34W HP 9401132 x 45 x 70mm3132 lm356.1-241AM-1132/K-34-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1412 LED 43W HP 9401412 x 45 x 70mm3914 lm356.1-241AM-1412/K-43-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1692 LED 51W HP 9401692 x 45 x 70mm4697 lm356.1-241AM-1692/K-51-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 1977 LED 60W HP 9401977 x 45 x 70mm5480 lm356.1-241AM-1977/K-60-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2257 LED 68W HP 9402257 x 45 x 70mm6263 lm356.1-241AM-2257/K-68-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2537 LED 76W HP 9402537 x 45 x 70mm7046 lm356.1-241AM-2537/K-76-9
Bolin Sistem-K M1 2816 LED 84W HP 9402816 x 45 x 70mm7829 lm356.1-241AM-2816/K-84-9

Low Power CRI90

Bolin System-S MPR1 LP

S – Početna





Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 572 LED 10W LP 930572 x 45 x 70mm778 lm356.1-231AP-572/S-10-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 852 LED 14W LP 930852 x 45 x 70mm1166 lm356.1-231AP-852/S-14-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1132 LED 18W LP 9301132 x 45 x 70mm1555 lm356.1-231AP-1132/S-18-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1412 LED 22W LP 9301412 x 45 x 70mm1944 lm356.1-231AP-1412/S-22-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1692 LED 26W LP 9301692 x 45 x 70mm2333 lm356.1-231AP-1692/S-26-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1977 LED 31W LP 9301977 x 45 x 70mm2722 lm356.1-231AP-1977/S-31-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2257 LED 35W LP 9302257 x 45 x 70mm3110 lm356.1-231AP-2257/S-35-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2537 LED 39W LP 9302537 x 45 x 70mm3499 lm356.1-231AP-2537/S-39-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2816 LED 43W LP 9302816 x 45 x 70mm3888 lm356.1-231AP-2816/S-43-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 572 LED 10W LP 940572 x 45 x 70mm825 lm356.1-241AP-572/S-10-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 852 LED 14W LP 940852 x 45 x 70mm1237 lm356.1-241AP-852/S-14-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1132 LED 18W LP 9401132 x 45 x 70mm1650 lm356.1-241AP-1132/S-18-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1412 LED 22W LP 9401412 x 45 x 70mm2062 lm356.1-241AP-1412/S-22-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1692 LED 26W LP 9401692 x 45 x 70mm2474 lm356.1-241AP-1692/S-26-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1977 LED 31W LP 9401977 x 45 x 70mm2887 lm356.1-241AP-1977/S-31-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2257 LED 35W LP 9402257 x 45 x 70mm3299 lm356.1-241AP-2257/S-35-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2537 LED 39W LP 9402537 x 45 x 70mm3712 lm356.1-241AP-2537/S-39-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2816 LED 43W LP 9402816 x 45 x 70mm4124 lm356.1-241AP-2816/S-43-9

Bolin System-P MPR1 LP

P – Prolazna





Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 570 LED 10W LP 930570 x 45 x 70mm778 lm356.1-231AP-570/P-10-9
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 850 LED 14W LP 930850 x 45 x 70mm1166 lm356.1-231AP-850/P-14-9
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1130 LED 18W LP 9301130 x 45 x 70mm1555 lm356.1-231AP-1130/P-18-9
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1410 LED 22W LP 9301410 x 45 x 70mm1944 lm356.1-231AP-1410/P-22-9
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1690 LED 26W LP 9301690 x 45 x 70mm2333 lm356.1-231AP-1690/P-26-9
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1975 LED 31W LP 9301975 x 45 x 70mm2722 lm356.1-231AP-1975/P-31-9
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2255 LED 35W LP 9302255 x 45 x 70mm3110 lm356.1-231AP-2255/P-35-9
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2535 LED 39W LP 9302535 x 45 x 70mm3499 lm356.1-231AP-2535/P-39-9
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2814 LED 43W LP 9302814 x 45 x 70mm3888 lm356.1-231AP-2814/P-43-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 570 LED 10W LP 940570 x 45 x 70mm825 lm356.1-241AP-570/P-10-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 850 LED 14W LP 940850 x 45 x 70mm1237 lm356.1-241AP-850/P-14-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1130 LED 18W LP 9401130 x 45 x 70mm1650 lm356.1-241AP-1130/P-18-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1410 LED 22W LP 9401410 x 45 x 70mm2062 lm356.1-241AP-1410/P-22-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1690 LED 26W LP 9401690 x 45 x 70mm2474 lm356.1-241AP-1690/P-26-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1975 LED 31W LP 9401975 x 45 x 70mm2887 lm356.1-241AP-1975/P-31-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2255 LED 35W LP 9402255 x 45 x 70mm3299 lm356.1-241AP-2255/P-35-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2535 LED 39W LP 9402535 x 45 x 70mm3712 lm356.1-241AP-2535/P-39-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2814 LED 43W LP 9402814 x 45 x 70mm4124 lm356.1-241AP-2814/P-43-9

Bolin System-K MPR1 LP

K – Kraj





Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 572 LED 10W LP 930572 x 45 x 70mm778 lm356.1-231AP-572/K-10-9
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 852 LED 14W LP 930852 x 45 x 70mm1166 lm356.1-231AP-852/K-14-9
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1132 LED 18W LP 9301132 x 45 x 70mm1555 lm356.1-231AP-1132/K-18-9
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1412 LED 22W LP 9301412 x 45 x 70mm1944 lm356.1-231AP-1412/K-22-9
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1692 LED 26W LP 9301692 x 45 x 70mm2333 lm356.1-231AP-1692/K-26-9
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1977 LED 31W LP 9301977 x 45 x 70mm2722 lm356.1-231AP-1977/K-31-9
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2257 LED 35W LP 9302257 x 45 x 70mm3110 lm356.1-231AP-2257/K-35-9
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2537 LED 39W LP 9302537 x 45 x 70mm3499 lm356.1-231AP-2537/K-39-9
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2816 LED 43W LP 9302816 x 45 x 70mm3888 lm356.1-231AP-2816/K-43-9
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 572 LED 10W LP 940572 x 45 x 70mm825 lm356.1-241AP-572/K-10-9
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 852 LED 14W LP 940852 x 45 x 70mm1237 lm356.1-241AP-852/K-14-9
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1132 LED 18W LP 9401132 x 45 x 70mm1650 lm356.1-241AP-1132/K-18-9
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1412 LED 22W LP 9401412 x 45 x 70mm2062 lm356.1-241AP-1412/K-22-9
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1692 LED 26W LP 9401692 x 45 x 70mm2474 lm356.1-241AP-1692/K-26-9
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1977 LED 31W LP 9401977 x 45 x 70mm2887 lm356.1-241AP-1977/K-31-9
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2257 LED 35W LP 9402257 x 45 x 70mm3299 lm356.1-241AP-2257/K-35-9
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2537 LED 39W LP 9402537 x 45 x 70mm3712 lm356.1-241AP-2537/K-39-9
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2816 LED 43W LP 9402816 x 45 x 70mm4124 lm356.1-241AP-2816/K-43-9

High Power CRI90

Bolin System-S MPR1 HP

S – Početna





Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 572 LED 18W HP 930572 x 45 x 70mm1555 lm356.1-231AP-572/S-18-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 852 LED 26W HP 930852 x 45 x 70mm2333 lm356.1-231AP-852/S-26-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1132 LED 34W HP 9301132 x 45 x 70mm3110 lm356.1-231AP-1132/S-34-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1412 LED 43W HP 9301412 x 45 x 70mm3888 lm356.1-231AP-1412/S-43-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1692 LED 51W HP 9301692 x 45 x 70mm4666 lm356.1-231AP-1692/S-51-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1977 LED 60W HP 9301977 x 45 x 70mm5443 lm356.1-231AP-1977/S-60-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2257 LED 68W HP 9302257 x 45 x 70mm6221 lm356.1-231AP-2257/S-68-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2537 LED 76W HP 9302537 x 45 x 70mm6999 lm356.1-231AP-2537/S-76-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2816 LED 84W HP 9302816 x 45 x 70mm7776 lm356.1-231AP-2816/S-84-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 572 LED 18W HP 940572 x 45 x 70mm1650 lm356.1-241AP-572/S-18-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 852 LED 26W HP 940852 x 45 x 70mm2474 lm356.1-241AP-852/S-26-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1132 LED 34W HP 9401132 x 45 x 70mm3299 lm356.1-241AP-1132/S-34-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1412 LED 43W HP 9401412 x 45 x 70mm4124 lm356.1-241AP-1412/S-43-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1692 LED 51W HP 9401692 x 45 x 70mm4949 lm356.1-241AP-1692/S-51-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 1977 LED 60W HP 9401977 x 45 x 70mm5774 lm356.1-241AP-1977/S-60-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2257 LED 68W HP 9402257 x 45 x 70mm6599 lm356.1-241AP-2257/S-68-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2537 LED 76W HP 9402537 x 45 x 70mm7423 lm356.1-241AP-2537/S-76-9
Bolin Sistem-S MPR1 2816 LED 84W HP 9402816 x 45 x 70mm8248 lm356.1-241AP-2816/S-84-9

Bolin System-P MPR1 HP

P – Prolazna





Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 570 LED 18W HP 830570 x 45 x 70mm1555 lm356.1-231AP-570/P-18
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 850 LED 26W HP 830850 x 45 x 70mm2333 lm356.1-231AP-850/P-26
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1130 LED 35W HP 8301130 x 45 x 70mm3110 lm356.1-231AP-1130/P-35
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1410 LED 43W HP 8301410 x 45 x 70mm3888 lm356.1-231AP-1410/P-43
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1690 LED 51W HP 8301690 x 45 x 70mm4666 lm356.1-231AP-1690/P-51
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1975 LED 59W HP 8301975 x 45 x 70mm5443 lm356.1-231AP-1975/P-59
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2255 LED 68W HP 8302255 x 45 x 70mm6221 lm356.1-231AP-2255/P-68
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2535 LED 76W HP 8302535 x 45 x 70mm6999 lm356.1-231AP-2535/P-76
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2814 LED 85W HP 8302814 x 45 x 70mm7776 lm356.1-231AP-2814/P-85
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 570 LED 18W HP 840570 x 45 x 70mm1650 lm356.1-241AP-570/P-18
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 850 LED 26W HP 840850 x 45 x 70mm2474 lm356.1-241AP-850/P-26
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1130 LED 35W HP 8401130 x 45 x 70mm3299 lm356.1-241AP-1130/P-35
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1410 LED 43W HP 8401410 x 45 x 70mm4124 lm356.1-241AP-1410/P-43
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1690 LED 51W HP 8401690 x 45 x 70mm4949 lm356.1-241AP-1690/P-51
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 1975 LED 59W HP 8401975 x 45 x 70mm5774 lm356.1-241AP-1975/P-59
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2255 LED 68W HP 8402255 x 45 x 70mm6599 lm356.1-241AP-2255/P-68
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2535 LED 76W HP 8402535 x 45 x 70mm7423 lm356.1-241AP-2535/P-76
Bolin Sistem-P MPR1 2814 LED 85W HP 8402814 x 45 x 70mm8248 lm356.1-241AP-2814/P-85

Bolin System-K MPR1 HP

K – Kraj





Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 572 LED 18W HP 830572 x 45 x 70mm1555 lm356.1-231AP-572/K-18
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 852 LED 26W HP 830852 x 45 x 70mm2333 lm356.1-231AP-852/K-26
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1132 LED 35W HP 8301132 x 45 x 70mm3110 lm356.1-231AP-1132/K-35
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1412 LED 43W HP 8301412 x 45 x 70mm3888 lm356.1-231AP-1412/K-43
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1692 LED 51W HP 8301692 x 45 x 70mm4666 lm356.1-231AP-1692/K-51
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1977 LED 59W HP 8301977 x 45 x 70mm5443 lm356.1-231AP-1977/K-59
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2257 LED 68W HP 8302257 x 45 x 70mm6221 lm356.1-231AP-2257/K-68
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2537 LED 76W HP 8302537 x 45 x 70mm6999 lm356.1-231AP-2537/K-76
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2816 LED 85W HP 8302816 x 45 x 70mm7776 lm356.1-231AP-2816/K-85
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 572 LED 18W HP 840572 x 45 x 70mm1650 lm356.1-241AP-572/K-18
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 852 LED 26W HP 840852 x 45 x 70mm2474 lm356.1-241AP-852/K-26
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1132 LED 35W HP 8401132 x 45 x 70mm3299 lm356.1-241AP-1132/K-35
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1412 LED 43W HP 8401412 x 45 x 70mm4124 lm356.1-241AP-1412/K-43
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1692 LED 51W HP 8401692 x 45 x 70mm4949 lm356.1-241AP-1692/K-51
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 1977 LED 59W HP 8401977 x 45 x 70mm5774 lm356.1-241AP-1977/K-59
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2257 LED 68W HP 8402257 x 45 x 70mm6599 lm356.1-241AP-2257/K-68
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2537 LED 76W HP 8402537 x 45 x 70mm7423 lm356.1-241AP-2537/K-76
Bolin Sistem-K MPR1 2816 LED 85W HP 8402816 x 45 x 70mm8248 lm356.1-241AP-2816/K-85

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